Over the weekend we completed the last of the sorting, cleaning, repairs and painting on our house in NC, put out the for sale signs, posted it on ForSaleByOwner.com, sent out related posts to Craigslist and Facebook and sent notices to local real estate agents. We felt a great sense of relief to have reached this point in our journey to OH. We are as ready as we can be for the buyer we trust the Lord will send in his time.
We said many of our goodbyes to a number of the members of our former churches in Wilmington last weekend at a reception held in our honor. It was a sweet time of fellowship and remembering some special times together. We will always carry them in our hearts and hope to maintain many long-time friendships, and yet now we look forward to a new chapter in our lives in the Buckeye State and beginning many new friendships there.
Toward the end of next week we are planning for me to pack up my clothing, books and a couple favorite chairs and to go on ahead to Ohio while Beth and our oldest son remain in NC – hopefully for a short time – to sell the house. Our youngest son will be moving to an apartment in early July and plans to stay here in Wilmington till he finishes his undergraduate degree at UNCW. I plan to stay temporarily at parents’ home in Bowling Green, OH until we can make arrangements for Beth and our oldest to join me in the Perrysburg area more permanently. We plan for Beth to fly up for my installation service on July 10.