Glenn McIntyre recently made me aware that when I published the outline of First Peter earlier I did not include the verse numbers so that people could tell where we are as we go along. So here it is below.
Persevering in Persecution: Help and Hope for Strangers in a Strange Land
1. Going Back to Basics: Trusting in Christ’s Work, Word and Witness (1:3 – 2:10)
a. Rejoicing in Christ’s Work of salvation in spite of trials (1:3-12)
b. Obeying Christ’s Word even in persecution (1:13 – 25)
c. Joining Christ’s Witnesses, a people who glorify God thru our good deeds before a watching world (2:1-10)
2. Witnessing to the World: Submitting to Those Who Don’t Know Any Better (2:11 – 3:6)
a. Introduction: conducting ourselves toward unbelievers (2:11-12)
b. Submitting to our unbelieving officials as to Christ (2:13-17)
c. Submitting to our unbelieving employers as to Christ (2:18-25)
d. Submitting to our unbelieving spouses as to Christ (3:1-7)
3. Fighting Fair with the Faithful: Blessing Those Who Ought to Know Better (3:8 – 4:11)
a. Agreeing and loving each other, being humble, blessing those who do evil instead of retaliating (3:8-12)
b. Following the example of Jesus, do good to others, even if we suffer for it, as Christ did. (3:13-22)
4. Standing Up to Suffering: Practicing Commitment, Care and Caution Thru the Pain (4:12 – 5:11)
a. Not being surprised or ashamed when it happens, but committing ourselves to God (4:12-19)
b. Elders should care for others their congregations and not be greedy for money or boss people around, but should be good examples to them (5:1-7)
c. Resisting the devil by being on the alert and trusting in Christ’s message, remembering that Christians everywhere are suffering as you are. (5:8-11)