I’ve been looking at historic and current models of Reformed worship: John Calvin’s The Form of Church Prayers, 1542; The Westminster Directory, 1645; and The Book of Common Worship, 1993. They all follow the model of a “group conversation with God” as described in an article / Bible study from the Calvin Institute for Worship Studies entitled, “The Pattern of a Worship Service.“
According to the article, this “Conversation Model” of worship can be seen in Psalms 95, 96, and 98 among others. This worship liturgy is patterned after a “conversation or dialogue in which both God and the people speak and listen at alternate times.” The liturgy includes several main sections or “elements:” The Gathering, The Renewal, The Word, The Response to the Word, The Lord’s Supper (when celebrated), and The Dismissal or Sending.
Following is a helpful chart from the article describing the elements, their purposes, and possible components that might be included in each.
The Gathering | The corporate conversation between God and his children begins. | Prelude Processional The Call to Worship Opening Litany/Sentences Declaration of Trust God’s Greeting Songs Introits Anthems Passing the Peace Liturgical Dance |
The Renewal | As worshipers come into the presence of a holy God they acknowledge their sinfulness and seek forgiveness and renewal in God’s grace. | The Call to Confession The Prayer of Confession The Assurance of Pardon Response of Gratitude Reading God’s Will Sacrament of Baptism Remembering our Baptism Passing the Peace |
The Word | God’s Word is proclaimed so that his voice is heard and his people can be instructed, strengthened, and directed. | The Children’s Moment The Reading of Scripture The Prayer for Illumination Song of Preparation The Sermon The Prayer of Application Anthem Scripture Drama |
The Response to God’s Word | God’s Word always calls for a response on the part of those who hear it. | Songs Anthems Prayers Offerings Expression of Commitment Profession of the Creed Affirmations of Faith Liturgical Dance Drama |
The Lord’s Supper | The major response of God’s people to his Word is remembering the body and blood of the Lord for us. | Songs Words of Welcome Great Prayer of Thanksgiving Eating the Bread Drinking the Cup Profession of Faith |
The Dismissal | The corporate conversation between God and his people comes to an end and we take leave of each other. | Songs Liturgical Dance Anthem Words of Exhortation The Benediction Passing the Peace The Postlude |