Some have noticed that we have been singing strictly Advent carols rather than Christmas carols these past few weeks and wonder why I have chosen to do so. I have done this not to diminish Christmas, but rather to heighten the anticipation for Christmas. The Advent carols in our hymnal – and other hymnals – focus more directly on the preparation for the coming of Christ into the world [read: He will come], whereas the Christmas carols focus more on the fact of his coming into the world [read: He has come].
It is similar to the practice of singing hymns about the Passion of Christ during Lent [read: He will die but hewill rise again] followed by singing hymns about the Resurrection of Christ on Easter and the Sundays thereafter [read: He has risen indeed]. I am trying to be true to the seasons of the Christian year, celebrating what is appropriate to the particular season – especially Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost.
I believe this helps us remember annually the work of Christ on our behalf for our salvation, just as the ancient Jews celebrated Passover annually in commemoration of their deliverance from bondage in Egypt.