At our annual meeting on Sunday, January 6, I summarized the current ministries in which Stonebridge is already engaged and outlined some proposed new ministry activities for the coming year. I divided the talk into two parts: “in-reach” and “out-reach.”
In-reach – building up the body of Christ at Stonebridge
1. Ministries in which we are currently engaged: 1) Sunday worship services; 2) Christian education classes for all ages on Sundays, multiple classes for adults; 3) three small group bible studies in homes during the week; and, 4) periodic mall group fellowship meals in homes.
2. Proposed new ministry activities: 1) a monthly congregational gathering to share a meal, learn new songs for worship, provide opportunities for lay persons to use their preaching gifts periodically, and for those with teaching gifts to speak periodically on topics such as evangelism, discipleship, marriage and family, personality profiles, etc; 2) an 8-week class on spiritual gifts during the Christian Ed hour to begin on February 10; 3) a spring weekend retreat in March or April at Wide Water Retreat Center, Liberty Center, OH – Friday evening fellowship, Sat breakfast, Saturday morning teaching on principles and motivations for ministry with special teaching for children and youth, lunch, Saturday afternoon free time for recreation and rest, dinner, Saturday evening small groups to determine our combined strengths and passions based on our spiritual gifts and to discuss what ministry opportunities best match our strengths; and, Sunday breakfast, worship service, depart for home.
Out-reach – building up the kingdom of God outside Stonebridge
1. Ministries in which we are currently engaged: 1) overseas missions: financial support, prayer support, letters of encouragement, periodic visits to and from missionaries; 2) participation in the Perrysburg Christians United ministry to the poor in northern Wood County; 3) monthly singing for residents of The Manor at Perrysburg nursing home; and, 4) participation by youth and adults in a summer short-term mission trip with other EPC churches.
2. Proposed new ministry activities: 1) to participate in the Deacons’ mercy ministry: a) by receiving monthly offerings for special projects such as national and local disasters, and b) by meeting particular needs in our local area; and, 2) to participate in greater numbers in this summer’s mission trip by youth and adults; and, 3) to discover and make a long-term investment of time, talent and finances in a local ministry opportunity that both meets a real need in our community and matches the strengths and passions of Stonebridge church, such as in the Perrysburg Heights community.