Persevering in Persecution: Help and Hope for Strangers in a Strange Land.
We’ve just begun a new sermon series on the New Testament book of First Peter. This book was originally a letter written by the apostle Peter, along with his fellow worker Silas, from Rome in about 64 A.D. to five groups of Christians a thousand miles away in Asia Minor, or what is modern day Turkey. These Christians were being persecuted for their faith in various ways, and Peter wrote to encourage them to continue in their faith in Christ in spite of their present trials.
Jesus warned us, that if we are Christians, we should expect that persecution will come. He said that because they hated him, they will hate us as well. How do we persevere in persecution? We do so by learning the following principles and practices found in this letter. These form the outline of our series.
1. Going Back to Basics: Trusting in Christ’s Work, Word and Witness
a. Rejoicing in Christ’s Work of salvation in spite of trials
b. Obeying Christ’s Word even in persecution
c. Joining Christ’s Witnesses, a people who glorify God thru our good deeds before a watching world
2. Witnessing to the World: Submitting to Those Who Don’t Know Any Better
a. Submitting to our unbelieving officials as to Christ
b. Submitting to our unbelieving employers as to Christ
c. Submitting to our unbelieving spouses as to Christ
3. Fighting Fair with the Faithful: Blessing Those Who Ought to Know Better
a. Agreeing and loving each other, being humble, blessing those who do evil instead of retaliating
b. Following the example of Jesus, do good to others, even if we suffer for it, as Christ did.
4. Standing Up to Suffering: Practicing Commitment, Care and Caution Thru the Pain
a. Not being surprised or ashamed when it happens, but committing ourselves to God;
b. Elders should care for others their congregations and not be greedy for money or boss people around, but should be good examples to them
c. Resisting the devil by being on the alert and trusting in Christ’s message, remembering that Christians everywhere are suffering as you are.
-Pastor Dan