The initial example where we see ‘elders’ in God’s people is with Moses and the Israelites in Exodus 18. Then throughout the Bible we have examples where ‘elders’ play key roles in leading, arbitrating, guiding, etc. God’s people. In the New Testament the apostles, especially Paul, installed elders to guide the church. In today’s sermon, […]
Magnificat: Mary’s Song- Luke 1:39-55 (S
The second Sunday of Advent Pastor Dan explores on of the best known and well loved ‘songs’ in all Scripture: Mary’s Song which we also know as the “Magnificat”. Mary’s entire being erupting in adoration, in wonder, in praise, in glorifying the Lord of Hosts who has blessed not only she- a humble peasant teenager […]
Seek the Welfare of Your City- Jer 29:1-1
How are we to relate to where we live? We get a pretty good sense when we read Jeremiah. The Jews were ‘captives’ in Babylon- a representation of the God-hating world -yet Jeremiah encourages them to… ‘ settle down… plant gardens and eat the produce…give your sons and daughters in marriage… have grandchildren…’ . They […]
The Unshakable Kingdom – Heb 12:25-29 (S
Why should anyone believe? Why should the Bible’s claims get our attention and action? Pastor Dan addresses these questions in the last in his series on The Kingdom of God.
True Riches of the Kingdom – Mark 10:17-
The passage that Pastor Dan preaches on today in not primarily about wealth, but about anything that keeps you and me from following Jesus with our entire being. What is it for you: money, family, sex, power…? This is the story of the rich young man. But notice as we read that the fact of his […]
A Servant Washes Feet – John 13:1-17, 34
One of the last ‘lessons’ Jesus taught his disciples was an ‘object lesson’. He washed their feet. This was a task for a slave or servant – not the Master. Yet in that washing Jesus demonstrated, he illustrated in a very concrete way was he was soon to accomplish on the cross. In his trial […]
Death Results in Life- John 12:20-26ff (1
“Unless a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies, it abides alone…” This is the paradox that Pastor Dan had as his focus today. Just as the kernel of wheat: if it wants to retain its identy, its essence, it remains simply a seed. But if it ‘dies’ in the soil, it becomes […]
Raised from Death to Life- John 11:17-271
The fifth Sunday in Lent. This week Jesus is revealed, or perhaps better, God’s glory is revealed through Jesus. A dear friend dies supposedly because Jesus doesn’t arrive in time. But wait… “Your brother will rise again!” … What an amazing event. Those who believed saw the glory of God. Those who would not believe […]