Jesus’ superiority to Moses gives Christians a basis on which to live confidently in a world where we are challenged, sometimes persecuted, and tempted to turn away. Listen to Pastor Dan as he continues his series in Hebrews. To listen to the Podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Hebrews 3:1-6 (ESV) Therefore, holy […]
Jesus Superior to Angels (Hebrews 1:4-141
Pastor Dan continues his Lenten series from the letter to the Hebrews. Jesus Christ is better than the angels. To listen to the podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Introduction: At the end of the passage last week we read in Hebrews 1:3, And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact […]
God’s Final Revelation in His Son (Hebre
We are in a new sermon series during this Lent Season. Pastor Dan is taking us on a short series in the book of Hebrews. A wonderful book which highlights the greatness of Christ – whose suffering we are contemplating during Lent. To listen to the podcast scroll to the bottom of the page. Introduction: […]
Living Like Christ in an Unbelieving Wor1
We can expect to be “persecuted” when we live our faith, no different than the 1st century Christians were. The Apostle Peter gave some good advice 2000 years ago that holds true today. Listen online if you missed Pastor Dan’s sermon. To listen, go to the link at the bottom of this post, or read […]
Our Purpose in God’s Purpose (Luke 2:21-
The birth of Christ and some of the associated “story” illustrates how we can find and fulfill our purpose in life. Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna each demonstrate this in special ways.
The Birth of Jesus and Fulfillment of Me1
What a surprise to have the Apostle Matthew visit us today – and also preach the sermon! But he really made us think about prophecies in the Old Testament and that Jesus and events surrounding Jesus life were fulfillment of those prophecies. If you missed hearing Matthew, listen online!
The Message of Christmas
Shepherds, an unlikely target of the first Christmas message. Common folk, like many [or most?] of us. St. Luke, in chapter 2 of his Gospel relates the story of the messengers and their message; as well as the recipients and their response to this message.
The Virgin Conception of Jesus – Luke 1:
What a wonderful event: Gabriel the Angel announcing to Mary that she is “favored by the Lord” and will bring the Savior of humanity into the world! Listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon if you were not able to hear it on Sunday.