With the third Sunday of Advent comes the message of John the Baptizer – who deflected attention from himself and directed people’s focus on Jesus. John knew who he was, and who he was not. He knew the purpose of his message; and he knew who had sent him.
The Second Coming of Christ (Mark 13:24-1
Pastor Dan celebrates the First Sunday of Advent with a sermon about the coming of “…the son of Man…” as Jesus himself liked to say.
Expressing Appropriate Gratitude (Luke 11
Then Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” This story in Luke’s Gospel illustrates both positive and negative responses to the good things that we have from God’s hand.
Instructions for Husbands (1 Peter 3:7) 1
1 Peter 3:7. It’s hard to get more practical than Pastor Dan did preaching from this verse in 1 Peter. Husbands, we have work to do! God help us do our duty with joy and love. To listen to the podcast scroll to the bottom of this page. 1 Peter 3:7 (NAU) You husbands in […]
Resisting Temptation (Matt. 4:1-10) – So
Matthew 4:11-11. Temptations come from without. The Devil seeks to make us sin; God allows them, and helps us overcome. And Jesus was a great example for dealing with temptation.
Sounds of the Coming King – Sonnenberg
Matthew 21:1-11. TE Dan Sonnenberg helps us put together the story of Palm Sunday with what might be “the sound track” to help us understand what Jesus was trying to communicate on Palm Sunday [podcast]http://www.stonebridgepres.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/SB_110417_Sonnenberg.mp3[/podcast]