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Check Your Heart

Check Your Heart

God knows your heart; do you know your own? Is your relationship with God good as long as you get what you want, or do you contribute? Are you willing to give a “blank check” on your lift?

Beyond Bartending John 2:1-12 (Lavalet1

Beyond  Bartending  John 2:1-12 (Lavalette)

Was  Jesus miracle at the wedding in Cana just an illustration of how Jesus helped save a wedding party from embarrassment?   Or were there deeper, more messianic implications in this account from John’s gospel?  Listen as Pastor Lavalette explains the story.

Jesus the Word and Light- John 1:1-18

Jesus the Word and Light- John 1:1-18

St John the apostle wrote so that “we might believe” in Jesus.  Humanity is in darkness; John says that Jesus was the Light.  Especially in today’s world of “fake news” where you can’t be sure what to believe, John says that Jesus was ‘the Word’.  God speaking. Jesus the Word and Light

Calibrated in Christ- 1 Cor 4:14-21

Calibrated in Christ- 1 Cor 4:14-21

In the passage under consideration today, St Paul likens pastoring similar to parenting.  And St Paul has concerns about his “spiritual children”. They are drifting from how he thought he had taught them, and now he is trying to challenge them to “come back” to what they should know. Calibrated in Christ

Loving is Serving- 1 Cor 4:1-13

Loving is Serving- 1 Cor 4:1-13

The sermon today is about serving. It is about being a good steward; about stewardship. And that especially for leaders.  Of all human beings, Jesus was the one more in a position to be served than anyone, yet he exemplified what “serving” is really all about. Serve Faithfully