What would you think if a couple, married 8-9 years, announced that they were going to annul their marriage and go back to being engaged? Would seem more than a bit strange, yes? Well, the Hebrews (those people addressed in the New Testament epistle The Letter to the Hebrews) were thinking of doing something very […]
Anchored in Christ- Heb 6:13-20 (Lavalet1
Where do you run when you need a refuge? Pastor Jeff encouraged us to run to Jesus. As the writer admonished his readers in the Letter to the Hebrews: “… God did this so that…we … may be greatly encouraged.” Anchored in Christ
Mature in Christ- Heb 5:11-6:12 (Lavalet1
You’re at a BBQ. Lots of great food. What’s the deal with the yogurt and applesauce packets that you brought to eat? Why not the pulled pork? The juicy burger? Well, you don’t feed pulled pork to infants; likewise with Christians who are immature. Mature in Christ
No Need to Hide from the Gospel – Heb 4:
Why do we hide? Hide from others? Hide our true selves from our family, friends, the church? We often try to hide from God. In today’s Scripture passage, Pastor Jeff shares the good news that Jesus Christ knows us completely. Nothing about us is hidden from him. And the amazing thing: He still loves and […]
In Christ Alone- Heb 2:2-18 (Lavalette)
Pastor Jeff begins this sermon with the question: What is your greatest fear? Public speaking?! Losing your job? Losing your love? This sermon is a continuation of Pastor Jeff’s series from the Epistle (letter) to the Hebrews, in the New Testament. The recipients of this letter had started to let fears of various kinds distract […]
Jesus is Still Better- Heb 1-2:1 (Lavale1
In the letter to the Hebrews, the writer, as does Pastor Jeff, reminds listeners that Jesus is much better than Angels- and much else. Why are we willing to be satisfied with less? Jesus is Still Better
You Need Help!- Phil 3:17-4:1 (Lavalette1
Always a pleasure to have Pastor Jeff in our pulpit. This week he address the issue that we are not self-sufficient in ourselves. You Need Help!
A Holy Discontent- Phil 3:12-16 (Lavalet1
Good intentions. Hard to argue with them. Yet, if those intentions never result in actions or change? Pastor Jeff believes that St Paul would have Christians experience some discontent with exactly that: that our intentions in any number of good things never actually come to reality. A Holy Discontent