The fourteenth chapter of St John’s gospel has occupied many, many sermons. Rarely is it preached through in one or two sermons. Yet, do to limited time, Jim Scullion as accomplished the task in three sermons. In this, the last of the three, Jim explains the impact of Jesus promising to send ‘another comforter’ after […]
Greater Works Than These
St John chapter 14 consistently ranks very high as a favorite of believers in Jesus. And in many ways it is no surprise. The chapter is filled with hope; both for the present and for the future. But in v. 12 Jesus makes an incredible statement: Those who believe in him will not only do […]
Jesus And Troubled Hearts
Why would Jesus request “Let not your hearts be troubled…”? Its because human hearts do become troubled. We do fret, worry and become anxious. Jesus himself was ‘troubled’ on more than one occasion. Jim Scullion wanted to let this congregation know that Jesus urges his followers to not let their hearts be troubled because he […]
Passing the Test
What do you need to do to “pass the test”? Well, JIm Scullion addresses this question from the letter of St John, chapter 2.
Finally . . . Pray and Obey
When St Paul uses the word ‘finally’ in 2 Thessalonians 3 he actually means it! This is not always the case with St Paul. And so how does he summarize his letter to the Thessalonian believers? Pray and Obey. List as Jim Scullion walks us through the end of his series on the two letters […]
God is Still In Charge
Lots of crazy things happening here, in the US and around the world. Yes? The same was true for the congregation in Thessalonica to whom St Paul wrote a few letters. Specifically, he wanted to remind the readers that they could trust what they had been taught and that God would not leave them in […]
A Growing Church
Jim Scullion starts a new series on the short letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians- his second letter to this church. Perhaps surprising to us, St Paul indicated that persecution was evidence that the church was growing! Maybe not what we want to hear? But maybe its what we need to hear in these […]
What If We Did All This?
We are coming to the end of Jim Scullion’s series on 1 Thessalonians. And as you might imagine, St Paul ends with a flurry of exhortations. Some restate what he has said earlier; others seem to be additional things that he feels necessary to also let the church in Thessalonica hear.