Ever notice in a family how some children readily respond positively to parents’ wishes or directives, and other are a bit [or a lot] less responsive? And have you ever noticed- or experienced -that the obedient child can be castigated by the others for being to good? Jim Scullion pointed out a similar situation from […]
A Ministry Defended
In 1 Thessalonians, St Paul defends his ministry to the Thessalonians. Can we defend our service or ministry in the same way?
A Gospel Church
The True Church
We can gain perspective on what a ‘true church’ is by looking at how St Paul addresses the church in Thessalonica. This church was really, really young, yet St Paul suggests that they are a true church.
Who is a True Christian?
The sermon title is a good question, don’t you think? People make all kinds of claims about what they have done, how wonderful they are, and to what group they belong. So how do we know who real Christian is? How do we know we are true Christians if we claim we are? Is it […]
True Repentance
Scripture talks of “repentance” quite frequently. But exactly, what does it mean to really “repent”? Jim Scullion takes a look at this question from the story in 1 Samuel 3. It is instructive. Listen…
The Gospel is . . .
Today’s sermon text is the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume that cost about one year’s wages. Imaging a bottle of perfume that costs $65,000 – and using it all on one person on one occasion?!! Shocking as that is, and as interesting as Jesus response is to the invariable critics; Jim […]
Wasting the Advantage
Think of any situation: if you have “an advantage” it usually is the smart thing to capitalize on that advantage. Be it a team, a business, or a financial transaction. As it relates to faith in Jesus, the comment has often been made “Wouldn’t it have been so great to have lived in Judea when […]