What is a “Christian” Nation? Have there been any in history? Are there any now? Pastor Jim might put this in a different light than you might think. The Only Christian Nation
Why Say All This? – 1 Kings 6 (Scullion)
Why is all the detail given about Solomon’s temple? Pastor Jim lays that our very nicely. Why Say All This?
The Providence of God- 1 Kings 5 (Sculli1
“What is this chapter doing in the Bible?” is a question you might understandably ask about 1 Kings 5. Pastor Jim believes that it just might be there to help us understand how God’s Providence plays out in life and history. The Providence of God
Triumphal Entry! -Matt 21:1-11 (Scullian1
Not quite Palm Sunday, but Pastor Jim’s sermon was fantastic on the subject! Wow! Almost unbelievable how God/Jesus made history come together that last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Triumphal Entry
God Makes A Nation Great – 1 Kings 4:1-3
God’s plan in making a great nation of Israel is evident during the reign of Solomon. What can we learn from this narrative about redemption, human failure, and a greater King? Listen here as our visiting preacher explains the text. God Makes a Nation Great
Christ Preeminent- Col 1:15-20
It is good to be reminded this first Sunday of 2017 that Jesus Christ is the preeminent one. Christ Preeminent
“Peace On Earth” Romans 5:1 (Scullion)
In his Christmas carol, Longfellow laments “there is no peace on earth, I said.” We often say the same. But in his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul replies. Listen as our visiting preacher describes the meaning of Paul’s declaration of peace in this week’s sermon. Peace on Earth