Everywhere you look there is a terrific need for reconciliation. Why is this need there and what is the solution? Unity in Christ Alone
Light and Glory! – Luke 2:25-38
Er we dispose of Christmas too soon, Pastor Larry’s sermon takes the congregation on a more interesting aspect of the Christmas story: the anticipation and exaltation of Simeon and Anna. What a lesson for all of us!
Gabriel’s Messages – Luke 1:8-20ff
St Luke wrote his gospel to give Theophilus “certainty about what he had been taught”. In support of that purpose Luke inserts several events which involve the angel Gabriel and his message to Zechariah and Mary. Pastor Larry builds on these events and also ties in other events where Gabriel speaks. And these all should […]
Guardian of the Universe- Gal 3:19-23
Pastor Larry continues his series in St Paul’s letter to the Galatians. And just what purpose does the Law serve? If we aren’t made right with God by keeping the Law, why is it there or why is it something for us to consider? The Guardian of the Universe
The Purpose of Christ’s Redemption- Gal
Now, tell me again: Why did Jesus have to die? This is a good, valid question that is asked my many people. The answer, as Pastor Larry explains in this sermon, is aligned with all that is written in the Old Testament about “God’s economy”. The Purpose of Jesus’ Redemption
Gospel Zeal- Gal 2:17-21
Do I have “zeal” for the Gospel? If not, it just may be that I don’t fully appreciate just how special, just how precious a thing the Gospel of Jesus really is. Gospel Zeal
Gospel Unity – Gal 2:11-16
Gospel Unity? Well, Pastor Larry explains why there is unity in the gospel message. Unity between Jews and non-Jews. Unity between religious and irreligious people. Gospel Unity
One Gospel for All – Gal 2:6-10
St Paul sets forth and defends his Apostolic authority in this passage. He and the other apostles did not mutually negotiate what the gospel was. Rather as they compared was each was preaching, they saw that their messages were consistent or identical: One Gospel for all people. One Gospel for All