A name can reveal more than you might think. Consider the name “Jacob”: it conjures up thoughts of deceiver, slippery, trickster. Yet in the Genesis story of Jacob, we see one of the Patriarchs of the faith as one in need of God’s grace – exactly as we are today. Ruling Elder Randy Meyers makes […]
Receiving & Believing – John 1:9-13 (Mey
Like many Christians, Ruling Elder Randy Meyers thought that believing in Jesus and receiving Jesus was one and the same. But he changed his thinking after more extensive study, and he shared his learning with us in last Sunday’s sermon.
Characteristics of the Church – John 17
Randy helped us understand the six characteristics of the church: Joy, Holiness, Truth, Mission, Unity and Love. Jesus focuses on these in his “High Priestly Prayer” in John 17.
Get Smart! Get Saved! (Mark 1:1-8) R Mey1
Feed the Holy Spirit – Meyers
Galations 5:16-18 Randy Meyers sermon was a wonderful challenge and encouragement for “Living by the Spirit”. We cannot do it on our own, but the Spirit can do it for us. Praise the Lord!
Confidence in Prayer – Meyers
1 John 5: 13-18 Randy Meyers, in his last regular sermon, encouraged us to be patient and confident in prayer.
Truth Matters – Meyers
1 John 2:18-27 RE Randy Meyers, winding down his interim preaching schedules focuses attention on the importance of Truth, and that The Bible claims it is the source of truth.
The Test of Love – Randy Meyers
1 John 2:7-11 RE Randy Meyers addressed the second of three arguments made by the Apostle John for knowing if we are true believers: The Test of Love. Simple concept, but challenging to live that way.