1 Corinthians 2:9 says: ‘But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.’ Martin Rossol took us on a little exploration of just what these ‘unimaginable’ […]
Fear Not!
Most of us have experienced more “fear” the past two years than we likely have the past 5-10. New administration. COVID. Vaccine. Lockdowns. Tucked into the middle of Zechariah’s prophecy in Luke 1, is a statement that got Martin Rossol thinking about fear and how Jesus followers should respond: “..that we, being delivered from the […]
So, You’re Expecting the Savior, eh?
Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent 2021. Advent is all about expectations. Anticipations. And that idea was the basis for Martin Rossol’s sermon today. Who was expecting the Savior? Who was NOT expecting the Savior? And what should our response be to the Savior who came – irrespective of whether or not we had […]
David’s Anger Restrained
King David is a “type” of Christ in many respects. He typifies what the final King would be like. And yet David, the man, was beset by some of the maladies with which humans are beset. Specifically, David has an inclination to anger. In today’s sermon based in 1 Samuel 25, Martin Rossol show us […]
Acting Like the King
The first Sunday of Advent draws our attention to the coming Savior. Our own elder, Martin Rossol, continued his series about King David from 1 Samuel, and even here, in this historical setting, we see David- in his experiences and struggles -as a “type” of Jesus.
God’s Sovereignty, Our Actions
Martin Rossol got a bit off the subject of “anger” but it allowed him to address how we might understand God using sinful acts of humans to accomplish his will.
God’s Commands; Samuel’s Anger
This talk is perhaps a 2-in-1. What about God’s commands? Are we still obligated to obey if we have trusted in Jesus? And what about Samuel’s anger? Why no sanctions against that “anger”? Well, Martin Rossol covers these issues quite well in his talk. Give a listen.
The Biblical Office of King
Our own Martin Rossol covered a lot of ground, or maybe provided a 30,000 foot view of “Kingship” in the Bible, mostly focused in the Old Testament, but also the fulfillment of this “office” by Jesus- as prophesied. How and when did the office of “King” originate and how might we think about it today. […]