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Bear One Another’s Burdens

Bear One Another’s Burdens

Before we can know how to “bear another’s burden” you probably first need to know what St Paul means by ‘burden’. Dom Marko help the congregation understand just that in this sermon. He also went on to explain that there is correct way and an incorrect way to do this ‘bearing’.

The Helper

The Helper

The fourteenth chapter of St John’s gospel has occupied many, many sermons. Rarely is it preached through in one or two sermons. Yet, do to limited time, Jim Scullion as accomplished the task in three sermons. In this, the last of the three, Jim explains the impact of Jesus promising to send ‘another comforter’ after […]

The Christian’s Struggle

The Christian’s Struggle

The 7th chapter of St Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most controversial chapters Christians have wrestled with over the centuries. How is it that St Paul, REALLY???, struggling with sin? Struggling against sinful inclinations? Well, Randy Meyers shared his thinking on this chapter in this sermon.

Faith, Ministry and Floating Axe Heads

Faith, Ministry and Floating Axe Heads

The Rev. Dean Turbeville preached today’s sermon for the installation and ordination of Taylor Wright to the gospel ministry. 2 Kings 6:1-7 may seem like a strange text for this kind of occasion. And yet, Rev. Dean didn’t take long to help those in attendance see how the event in the life of Elisha in […]

Teach Us to Pray

Teach Us to Pray

True disciples, true followers of someone often ask for instruction, direction or guidance. This was true of Jesus disciples and should be true of believers today. Pastor David Menzel’s sermon focus Sunday was on the disciples’ request that Jesus teach them to pray. Why is praying important? How can we pray well?

Greater Works Than These

Greater Works Than These

St John chapter 14 consistently ranks very high as a favorite of believers in Jesus. And in many ways it is no surprise. The chapter is filled with hope; both for the present and for the future. But in v. 12 Jesus makes an incredible statement: Those who believe in him will not only do […]

Living With Christ

Living With Christ

If Christians have “died with Christ” and are supposed to have “a new life in Christ”, why do Christians (maybe not you) struggle with sin, or plainly “just sin” more than they wish they would? Randy Meyers’ sermon addresses this vary question.

Live as Children of the Free Woman

Live as Children of the Free Woman

Its almost February, but Eric Keel used an illustration of a well-known Christmas story to help illustrate truths from St Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. Sarah and Hagar, from Genesis ‘fame’ represent two covenants, and St Paul is arguing that if we are ‘children of the free woman’ we should behave accordingly.