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Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

What exactly does it mean- in the Lord’s prayer -“Why will be done”? And that followed up with “On earth as it is in heaven.” Pastor Jerry helped us see that it means a lot more than perhaps it seems on the surface.

Jesus And Troubled Hearts

Jesus And Troubled Hearts

Why would Jesus request “Let not your hearts be troubled…”? Its because human hearts do become troubled. We do fret, worry and become anxious. Jesus himself was ‘troubled’ on more than one occasion. Jim Scullion wanted to let this congregation know that Jesus urges his followers to not let their hearts be troubled because he […]

Be a Blessing?

Be a Blessing?

Randy Meyers challenged the congregation with a reading of Genesis 12 that most had not heard. Yes, God promised to bless Abram, but Randy argues that an equally valid reading is that Abram should be a blessing to others. There is support for this in other Scripture passages, including in 1 Peter 3.

Covenant vs Contract?

Covenant vs Contract?

What is the difference between Covenant Theology and Reformed Theology? Well, that is a good and fair question. Pastor Galardi takes up this question and a few more in Sunday’s sermon. He draws primarily from Genesis 12, 15 and 17 but slips in a few more references for good measure.

Fear Not!

Fear Not!

Most of us have experienced more “fear” the past two years than we likely have the past 5-10. New administration. COVID. Vaccine. Lockdowns. Tucked into the middle of Zechariah’s prophecy in Luke 1, is a statement that got Martin Rossol thinking about fear and how Jesus followers should respond: “..that we, being delivered from the […]

So, You’re Expecting the Savior, eh?

So, You’re Expecting the Savior, eh?

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent 2021. Advent is all about expectations. Anticipations. And that idea was the basis for Martin Rossol’s sermon today. Who was expecting the Savior? Who was NOT expecting the Savior? And what should our response be to the Savior who came – irrespective of whether or not we had […]

Slaves or Sons?

Slaves or Sons?

St Paul’s letter to the Galatians talks much about slaves and sons? Which are we? What is a ‘slave’ and what a ‘son’? And from where does this imagery come? Eric Keel shares his thinking on this subject in his Sunday sermon.

David’s Anger Restrained

David’s Anger Restrained

King David is a “type” of Christ in many respects. He typifies what the final King would be like. And yet David, the man, was beset by some of the maladies with which humans are beset. Specifically, David has an inclination to anger. In today’s sermon based in 1 Samuel 25, Martin Rossol show us […]