Randy Meyers rounded out his 3-sermon series “Walking in the Spirit” this Sunday. He quoted some well-known and some not so well-known authors – all to get us thinking. And “thinking” is one critical aspect for which we are accountable if we are to ‘walk in the Spirit’.
Pastor Frison speaks about the freedom that believers have been gifted with as a result of Jesus sacrifice. Yet his text is Psalm 27; a Psalm of David who was not always as “free” as he would have liked to have been.
A Preacher of the New Creation
The Bible teaches that when a person comes to believe in Jesus as the solution to their “God problem” that they become a new creation. Pastor Galardi explains what that means in Sunday’s sermon.
A Preacher of the New Creation
St Paul’s letter to the Galatians was likely the genesis of the Reformation. And in Chapter 1:1-5 St Paul sets out the basic message that he hopes to communicate to the churches.
God’s Commands; Samuel’s Anger
This talk is perhaps a 2-in-1. What about God’s commands? Are we still obligated to obey if we have trusted in Jesus? And what about Samuel’s anger? Why no sanctions against that “anger”? Well, Martin Rossol covers these issues quite well in his talk. Give a listen.
Where is Comfort to be Found?
In the past 24 months, Americans have “endured” all manner of stress, distress, uncertainty, confusion, mis-information, and more. As believers, where are we to find comfort from all this? Pastor Mike reminds us from 2 Corinthians, that St Paul was no stranger from difficulties and stress, but that he also has a source of comfort.
It’s All in the Name
A simple phrase. Well, Pastor Galardi helps us understand just some of the richness of this text in this sermon.
Walk in the Spirit- Part 2
Randy Meyers continued part 2 of his two-part series Walking in the Spirit. And today Randy revealed something which seems to have eluded him in earlier years; that being that the gospel is more than “Jesus Saves Sinners”. Randy believes that statement is still true, but he has come to realize that the gospel is […]