The writer of Ecclesiastes [king Solomon?] doesn’t pull any punches. He says the hard honest truth. And he should know. He was the wisest man who lived, save Jesus Christ. Long life, lots of children, hard work and ambition: none of this will bring satisfaction or mean to a person unless God is part of […]
The Biblical Office of King
Our own Martin Rossol covered a lot of ground, or maybe provided a 30,000 foot view of “Kingship” in the Bible, mostly focused in the Old Testament, but also the fulfillment of this “office” by Jesus- as prophesied. How and when did the office of “King” originate and how might we think about it today. […]
The Ultimate Statistic
What statistic does no one what to be part of, but we all will be? Death. God doesn’t shy from the brutal truth: as a consequence of sin, everyone is condemned to die. As early as Genesis chapter 5 God forcefully confirms this fact to anyone who is paying attention. Yet even in this dismal […]
What Is Man, That You Are Mindful Of Him1
I don’t know about you, but when I look at the the stars, the planets, and the galaxies- when I can identify them, that is -I can come away feeling rather small. Totally inconsequential, might be more appropriate. King David might have had similar feelings based on his expressions in Psalm 8, as Pastor Croyts […]
Walk In The Spirit – Part 1
In this first of a multi-part sermon series based in Galatians 5, Randy Meyer sets the foundation for some teaching on becoming more Christ-like in our actual behavior. How is this “sanctification”- which is a theological term for it -accomplished? Randy weaves in related Scriptures from Romans and 2 Corinthians. The key, says Randy, is […]
When is “Good Enough”, “Good Enough?”
The book of Ecclesiastes is an interesting book, to say the least. Pastor Jeff continued in his series on this book to help listeners understand that our “good enough” will never actually be good enough. So what will be? Maybe if you listen…
Our All Sufficient Shepherd
1 Peter is an epistle, a letter, that speaks to believers who are experiencing “tough times” of some kind. Suffering? Persecution? We are unclear the exact nature of what it is. But St Peter makes it clear that suffering is “part of the deal” when you “sign up” as a Jesus follower. He then points […]
In Our Father’s Space
For “Father’s Day” pastor Mike takes us in a direction perhaps you may not have expected. Our Heavenly Father is everywhere so we actually cannot escape his “space”. That being so, we can lose the benefit of this fact if we don’t consciously “live there”.