Do you know what the word “gospeling” means? Maybe more basic is: Have you ever heard the word “gospeling”? Martin Rossol will help you out if you listen to his sermon taken from Matthew 9 and 10.
Puzzle Pieces of Providence
King Solomon was the wisest man whoever lived. That is what the Bible says. He tried everything to find the most joy and pleasure in life. His research and results are captured for our benefit in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiates. Pastor Jeff basically shared that our outlook greatly influences the outcome in our […]
“Will not the judge of all the earth do
Pastor Jerry finishes his teaching on Psalm 7. This is a Psalm which challenges thinking that God is never angry; or that those who live according to God’s designs wait in vain for God to come and rescue them from those who harm; who do evil; who stand against what is godly.
“When I am Afraid…”
There’s a wonderful event described in 1 Chronicles 20 about a king who was afraid and who was willing to admit that he did not know what do do. Have you ever felt that way this past year? Pastor Mike’s sermon will be an encouragement to you. Please listen.
“Shall not the judge of all the earth do
Psalm 7 is the longest Psalm yet in Pastor Jerry’s series. In the first six psalms, when the subject of “righteousness” comes up, David always suggests the “righteousness of God” and not his own. In Psalm 7 David sounds like he is claiming that he is righteous based on his own merit. What is going […]
We Would See Jesus.
John 12 is the passage where gentiles, “some Greeks”, asked to see Jesus. What is Jesus’ response? Pastor Alex Young helps explain why Philip responds as he does, and what Jesus response should help us understand about glory: God’s glory.
Finding God in the Dark
Psalm 6 is one Psalm that has left many questioning its author or, if it was King David, if he really could have been in such a depressed state. Pastor Croyts, continuing he series in Psalms, pointed out that often when we are in deep dispair it confirms that God is still at work. Yes, […]
Put Away Anger
Some sins appear, at least superficially, to be more easily avoided than others. Think of murder or adultery; these seem to be pretty ordinal. You either commit them or you don’t.* But when the Bible commands us to “put away anger”, hmm, that presents a real problem for us. Anger is an emotion every human […]