What does “True Worship” actually consist of? What kind of worship is pleasing to God? Elder Martin Rossol takes a shot at that question in his talk today based on Isaiah 58.
Opposition to the Gospel
There is a parable in Matthew’s Gospel that addresses the question of opposition to the Kingdom or opposition to the Gospel of Jesus. It is good to remember that when the church, or a mission, or a Christian ministry of some kind, or if you as a believer, face opposition, that this is not a […]
The Value of Jesus’ Death
St John in his gospel narrative inserts a very small, but well known story. In Chapter 12 we find the story of Mary anointing Jesus feet with a very expensive perfume, nard. This act of devotion stirred some controversy and John wants the reader to take a side in that controversy.
Their Eyes Were Opened
“The Road to Emmaus” is one of the better known stories in the Gospels. Martin Rossol shares how there is more to this story than might first meet your eye, and that it has lessons for how we might engage with people.
Blessed Through Jesus’ Resurrection
In this time of uncertainty, many want to get regain some of those things we have counted on; something stable. Martin Rossol suggests that because Jesus rose from the dead, that those who believe in Jesus have some things in their lives that are very secure, and which should be of great benefit.
Pressing Toward the Goal
Do you have a goal? What is it? With the coronavirus situation, there are a lot of goals being talked about. “Let’s get a vaccine. We need to test everyone with symptoms. We need to get the economy re-started.” Martin takes a look at goals as well as Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday […]
The Blessed Man
What If We Did All This?
We are coming to the end of Jim Scullion’s series on 1 Thessalonians. And as you might imagine, St Paul ends with a flurry of exhortations. Some restate what he has said earlier; others seem to be additional things that he feels necessary to also let the church in Thessalonica hear.