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Four Basic Things

Four Basic Things

What “Four Basic Things” might St Paul be trying to get across to his readers in Thessalonica? You’ll have to listen to Jim Scullion’s analysis in today’s sermon.

The Disruption of the Incarnation

The Disruption of the Incarnation

When you stop and consider all the details, the coming of Jesus was disruptive in a number of ways. It disrupted those happy about his coming and those rather unhappy about it. Pastor Mike walks us through these disruptions and suggests that we need to be open to the disruptions that God brings into our […]

Adam’s Christmas Gift

Adam’s Christmas Gift

Rather strange that Adam might have left us a “Christmas Gift”? Dr. Smith sheds some light on what might be a more important gift than we have given it consideration in the past. It provided a fitting conclusion to our Christmas Eve worship in Lessons and Carols.

Violent Night, Holy Night

Violent Night, Holy Night

Most of our descriptions and information about Christmas come from St Matthew and St Luke’s gospels. We can identify with these stories (more or less) because there perspective is physical, its human. James Stafford compels us to consider a “super-natural” or “unseen” perspective of this event.

Four Glorious Names

Four Glorious Names

The prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of “…a child…” and this child was announced as having these names: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Each has significance, as Jim Scullion explains in today’s sermon.

Command . . .and . . Grant

Command . . .and  . . Grant

The story in St John’s gospel chapter 4 is close to unbelievable. Just how could this woman change in a matter of one hour? As Pastor Jeff explains: this is how Jesus work!

Light and Joy

Light and Joy

Isaiah 9 is a well known Bible passage generally believed to be prophesying the coming Savior. But what are the themes of light and joy are very dominant in the passage? Pastor Jim provides some insight in Sunday’s sermon.