Now just what could make St Paul ooze, as it were, with emotion and longing for a group of people he had only spent two or three weeks, maybe four, with? What could be so special about people? That is the subject of Jim’s sermon from 1 Thessalonians.
True Worship
In this sermon Pastor Jeff presents part 2 of the story of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well. Certainly the interaction with this Jewish man goes nothing like the woman is expecting. And St John tries to make clear that we should see ourselves as the woman in this story. We are as […]
The Word: Heard, Received, Accepted
Ever notice in a family how some children readily respond positively to parents’ wishes or directives, and other are a bit [or a lot] less responsive? And have you ever noticed- or experienced -that the obedient child can be castigated by the others for being to good? Jim Scullion pointed out a similar situation from […]
The True Well
“The Woman at the Well” is such a well-known story that we are prone to make to little of it, or to emphasize aspects of the story inappropriately. Pastor Jeff Lavalette walks us through this in his sermon.
What About My Dream?
Ever have a dream? And did you ever have to let that dream go? Pastor Mike talks about it in Sunday’s sermon.
A Ministry Defended
In 1 Thessalonians, St Paul defends his ministry to the Thessalonians. Can we defend our service or ministry in the same way?
A Gospel Church
Jesus is Above All
Most people have had many ideas of what Jesus was, how he might have looked, what he might have represented when he was here on earth. In today’s Sermon text, St John provides us his description of Jesus, and Pastor Jeff walks us through those verses.