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Gabriel’s Messages – Luke 1:8-20ff

Gabriel’s Messages – Luke 1:8-20ff

St Luke wrote his gospel to give Theophilus “certainty about what he had been taught”.  In support of that purpose Luke inserts several events which involve the angel Gabriel and his message to Zechariah and Mary.  Pastor Larry builds on these events and also ties in other events where Gabriel speaks. And these all should […]

Don’t be One of the Nine- Luke 17:11-19

Don’t be One of the Nine- Luke 17:11-19

Now just how much “good” needs to happen to you for you to recognize AND do something to express your thankfulness?  In today’s sermon Pastor Mike focused on the one unlikely person who recognized just what an amazing event had happened, and who expressed this gratefulness to the Man who caused it. Don’t be One […]

Guardian of the Universe- Gal 3:19-23

Guardian of the Universe- Gal 3:19-23

Pastor Larry continues his series in St Paul’s letter to the Galatians. And just what purpose does the Law serve? If we aren’t made right with God by keeping the Law, why is it there or why is it something for us to consider? The Guardian of the Universe

Trust in the Lord – Is 30:1-3,15-18

Trust in the Lord – Is 30:1-3,15-18

Where do you find your security and safety? We often try to find it in our 401K, or insurance, or that relationship.  We should be looking to the Lord our God.  Isaiah the profit preaches on the same topic, and Pastor Mike helps that message to us today. Trust in the Lord

Calibrated in Christ- 1 Cor 4:14-21

Calibrated in Christ- 1 Cor 4:14-21

In the passage under consideration today, St Paul likens pastoring similar to parenting.  And St Paul has concerns about his “spiritual children”. They are drifting from how he thought he had taught them, and now he is trying to challenge them to “come back” to what they should know. Calibrated in Christ