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In Christ Alone- Heb 2:2-18 (Lavalette)

In Christ Alone- Heb 2:2-18 (Lavalette)

Pastor Jeff begins this sermon with the question: What is your greatest fear?  Public speaking?!  Losing your job?  Losing your love?  This sermon is a continuation of Pastor Jeff’s series from the Epistle (letter) to the Hebrews, in the New Testament. The recipients of this letter had started to let fears of various kinds distract […]

What Makes a Church Beautiful?-Rom 12:9-1

What Makes a Church Beautiful?-Rom 12:9-21 (Conrow)

The church in America does not hold the “favored” place it once did. Pastor Alan shared some statistics to support that contention. He then asked: Why? Why has the church lost the appeal to so many in our nation, and what is God’s design to make the church beautiful to those both inside and out? […]

A Living Hope- 1 Peter 1:3-9 (Conrow)

A Living Hope- 1 Peter 1:3-9 (Conrow)

When buying a gift, do you go for the fad or the tried and true?  Most of us would go for the tried and true.  Pastor Alan asks “Why is it that our emotional, personal well-being seems to be bases on how we feel or how things are going?”  He challenges believers to recognize that […]