Listen to Sunday’s sermon by Addison Bade. SB_20160807_Bade
Truly This Man was the Son of God- Mark 1
We’ve come to the end of Pastor Shaw’s series on St Mark’s gospel. And as they say: it went down just like Jesus intended it to. One theme St Mark has been consistent on is that Jesus knew what he wanted; knew how he wanted as situation to develop; and this last real event also […]
Where Do You Stand?- Mark 14:53-15:15 (S1
Well, as you might assume, St Mark needs to get to his “punch line” pretty soon, no?! Well, In today’s sermon we get much of what St Mark is wanting to make his readers wrestle with: What is your decision about Jesus? What do you believe about him?! One of Pastor Scott’s best sermons on […]
I’ve Got This! -Mark 14:32-52 (Shaw)
In Chapter 14 St Mark clearly exposes the “bravado” of the disciples vs the humility and dependence displayed by Jesus. The message for us? We need to recognize that we need to stop going it alone and start praying more. SB_20160717_Shaw
Preparing for the New Passover- Mark 14:1
In today’s sermon Pastor Scott walks us through Mark 14, as Jesus and his disciples prepare to celebrate the Passover feast. Mark points out how specifically Jesus has planned it all out so there is no mistake about the ultimate meaning, and who the real lamb of the Passover is. SB_20160710_Shaw
The New Prophet- Mark 13 (Shaw)
Chapter 13 in St Mark’s gospel is one of the more difficult parts of the Bible to interpret and/or understand. But it is a bit easier to do this because of the journey Pastor Scott has taken us on through the gospel in this series. It is clear that St Mark believes that Jesus is […]
Mission Driven by Compassion
As Jesus preached to good new of the kingdom to the crowds in Judea and Galilee, many, if not all, had tons of issues just like people do today. Yet Jesus did not look at them accusingly, but with compassion. Sure, they should have chosen better; sure they should not have continued with their bad […]
Living Corem Deo- Ps 139:1-18 (Frison)
Someone once said that questions begin a cycle of learning. There are some interesting questions in the Bible. In Genesis God asked the man and woman, “Where are you?” God asks Job, “Where were you…?” And in Psalm 139 the psalmist is asking if he can escape the presence of God? If he can “fool” […]