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A Validated Ministry- Mark 1:1-14

A Validated Ministry- Mark 1:1-14

Happy New Year!  Not only a new year, but Pastor Scott is beginning a new series on the Gospel according to St Mark.  Mark is a concise writer. He focuses on key people, key events, key days, and in most cases doesn’t take time for the details.  In these open few paragraphs St Mark gets […]

To God Alone be the Glory – 5 Solas

To God Alone be the Glory – 5 Solas

In the last of five lessons, Scott Shaw teaches through the last of the Five Solas: To God Alone be the Glory! And just what is Glory? A great question if you really want to understand this 5th of the Reformation “Five Solas”. SB_5SolasGrace_Shaw

Consolation at Last- Luke 2:21-40 (Shaw)

Consolation at Last- Luke 2:21-40 (Shaw)

Consolation is a word not used that frequently these days. And the “Consolation of Israel” – what kind of concept is that? Well, Pastor Scott helped us see the significance of these words from Simeon, the devout follower of Jehovah in Luke’s Gospel. SB_20151227_Shaw

Anticipation and Preparation

Anticipation and Preparation

Christmas. The coming of the Messiah.  This is an event much anticipated throughout the history of the Jewish nation over the centuries.  One facet of Christmas less often discussed is the vast amount of preparation that was also an element in the anticipation. Blair Smith’s homily on Christmas Eve focuses on both of these aspects […]

Unpinching God!

Unpinching God!

Yikes! Unpinching God! What in the world does pastor Scott mean by this? Sure, a visual would help, but even without that you will quickly get the “picture”. Listen to a sermon that we all should benefit from. SB_20151220_Shaw

Sola Gratia

Sola Gratia

Lesson three in a series on the Five Solas of the Reformed tradition.  Grace Alone. Pastor Scott Shaw teaching an adult discipleship group. SB_5SolasGratia_20151213

The Son of God- Luke 1:26-38 (Shaw)

The Son of God- Luke 1:26-38 (Shaw)

One of the most remarkable stories in the Bible is that in Luke’s gospel of Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she is to bear the Savior of the World! And Mary’s response is so amazing!  And her’s is what ours can be if we truly put our full trust in God’s promises to us. SB_20151213_Shaw