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Salvation Re-explained- Zech 10:1-12 (Sh1

Salvation Re-explained- Zech 10:1-12 (Shaw)

Reading chapter 10 of Zechariah and you think you’ve heard this before.  And well you might. Pastor Scott’s sermon on chapter 10 Sunday explained how Zechariah reviews for the Israelites some basic concepts of how God would be there to help them, how their God is so different from other gods and how God’s help […]

A Jealousy to be Envied- Zech 8:1-23 (Sh1

A Jealousy to be Envied- Zech 8:1-23 (Shaw)

We tend to think of jealousy as always bad. But Pastor Scott suggested in his sermon that this might not necessarily be the case. That there might be times and situations where being jealous is actually a good thing. Especially, when it comes to God. SB_20151004_Shaw

The Problem of Righteousness- Zech 7:1-11

The Problem of Righteousness- Zech 7:1-14 (Shaw)

At first glance it seems that Chapter 7 is out of place in Zechariah.  We have seen the prophet Zechariah as a messenger of hope. Yet chapter 7 seems a world apart from ‘hope’.  A better understanding of the context of this chapter makes it much clearer why this chapter and its message is here […]

Christ Likeness Matters- Rom 8:28-30 (Co1

Christ Likeness Matters- Rom 8:28-30 (Conrow)

Most Christians experience times in their life when it just doesn’t seem like things are going in the direction they thought. And its not unusual for them to ask “If God really is working all things for good, why doesn’t it seem that way in my life?”  Pastor Alan Conrow addressed this with his sermon […]

A Cry for Mercy- Ps 51:1-9 (Burch)

A Cry for Mercy- Ps 51:1-9 (Burch)

One of the hard to believe facts in the Bible is that King David is said to be a man after God’s own heart. Really?! This seem incredulous once we understand that David committed some pretty nasty sins, including adultery and murder.  How to reconcile these contradictory realities? Pastor Phil Burch leads us through Psalm […]

The Proper Perspective- Ps 13:1-6 (Shaw)

The Proper Perspective- Ps 13:1-6 (Shaw)

Lots of things can get us feeling not very good;  physical health, finances, relationships, habits, etc.  King David must have experienced this similar to how we might.  Psalm 13 seems to be his reaction. Pastor Shaw’s sermon on Sunday focused on David’s seeming dispare, then his prayer and finally on his praise. SB_20150906_Shaw