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Jesus Prepares His People- John 14:1-14 1

Jesus Prepares His People- John 14:1-14 (Smith)

Before Jesus underwent his passion he prepared his disciples for what was to come.  Jesus reassured the disciples that his departure was really for their benefit; that they would continue forward because he was ‘the way’; and that they would have continued fellowship with both God the Father and Jesus because they are mutually indwelling […]

Hearing and Doing the Word- James 1:19-21

Hearing and Doing the Word- James 1:19-27 (Burch)

Phillip Burch encouraged us this morning to consider what it means to hear what God has to say and what it means to do what God says we should do. Reading is important. Understanding necessary. But absent action, absent behavior, and we deceive ourselves if we think we are spiritual simply because we hear read […]

A Woman of Faith- Gen 24:50-66

A Woman of Faith- Gen 24:50-66

Martin Rossol has two daughters. He is also leading a class on The Big Picture in which the book of Genesis has been on the agenda. As Martin put it: “…you have to be extremely focused or biased to not see the women in the stories…”   And with his recent interaction with his daughters his […]

Living in Tents- 1 Cor 5:1-10 (Donald)

Living in Tents- 1 Cor 5:1-10 (Donald)

It’s not that far from Easter so our guest preacher, Chris Donald, today asked us to consider our resurrection. And he chose  a passage that might not come into your mind when you think about this topic.  The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians clearly implies that we will have resurrected bodies, or […]

I Doubt It- John 20:19-31

I Doubt It- John 20:19-31

SB_20150412_WhalenTalk about a bum rap; Jesus disciple, Thomas certainly got one.  He’s listed in Webster’s dictionary twice: under “D” for “doubting Thomas” and under “T” for ‘Thomas, the doubting disciple.  But just how fair is that reputation? Tim Whalen suggested in today’s sermon that Thomas might be fairly normal, or even that all of the […]

The Return of the King- Rev 1:4-8 (Rose)

The Return of the King- Rev 1:4-8 (Rose)

Three images of God the King and the response of his people to him.  The Israelites rejected God as their king when they asked Samuel to “anoint them a king like all the other nations.  Finally the king returns to his people, but he comes not as a conqueror, but as a servant. But wait, […]

Peter’s Transformation- Luke 5:1-11 (Lee

Peter’s Transformation- Luke 5:1-11 (Lee)

Our own elder Abraham Lee took a look at the the story of Peter’s early exposure to Jesus. Peter is a career fisherman. He is a craftsman of his trade. What is his reaction, his response when an itinerant preacher gives him “fishing instructions”?  His response both to the request and even more so to […]

Who Needs Psalms?- Ps 22:1-9 (Rossol)

Who Needs Psalms?- Ps 22:1-9 (Rossol)

Our own Martin Rossol focused our attention on the Book of Psalms this fifth Sunday of Lent. What is so special about Psalms that we take time for them?  And even if we do, how are we in 2015 to understand songs and poems written to Semitic people 3000-5000 years ago? Martin’s thoughts might not […]