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The Son of David, Part 6: Revelation 22:1

The Son of David, Part 6: Revelation 22:12-16

Jesus, our Savior King, is coming again.  In this series we have followed the biblical trail of ever-greater revelation of a perfect king for a fallen human race from description, to promise of an earthly King David, to the promise of a perfect king to David and to the prophets, to the birth of that king, […]

The Son of David, Part 5: Romans 1:1-7

The Son of David, Part 5: Romans 1:1-7

In this series, we have heard from various sources in both Old Testament and New, identifying Jesus as the Son of David.  Now in his letter to the Romans,  the Apostle Paul weighs in on the theme to show that Jesus, the Son of David is the Messiah, the Son of God, born with a high purpose […]

The Son of David, Part 4: Luke 1:30–32

The Son of David, Part 4: Luke 1:30–32

After centuries of rebellion against God, and life ruled by unworthy judges and kings, the nation of Israel could hardly expect a future. Yet even amidst His judgments on them God continued to deliver promises of a future king even greater than David. In this text, Mary, a humble Jewish girl is the one blessed […]

The Son of David, Part 3: Isaiah 9:6–7

The Son of David, Part 3: Isaiah 9:6–7

As we continue to search the scriptures for the “Son of David”, we must consider the gospel message of Isaiah. In this text, the Prophet Isaiah has just broken the bad news of coming judgment for Israel and a warning to Judah. Both have been trusting in the power of foreign kings instead of Yahweh. But […]

The Son of David, Part 2: 2 Samuel 7:1ff

The Son of David, Part 2: 2 Samuel 7:1ff

Just who is the “son of David” anyway? In our text this Second Sunday of Advent, King David desires to build a “house” for God, a permanent tabernacle in Jerusalem. But God denies him permission and insists instead on being the builder Himself. In the covenant with David that follows, God promises an answer to David’s desire that […]

The Son of David, Part 1: Deuteronomy 171

The Son of David, Part 1: Deuteronomy 17:14–20

Our aversion to rule by kings is understandable given our nation’s past. But we in the church refer to Jesus as king, and the Bible refers to Him as son of another king, King David.  How can kingly rule be good when the track record of kings in so much of history is dismal? This text describes the […]

Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord

Jerry Croyt (November 20, 2022) Psalm 34:  Even under duress, David the psalmist finds reason to bless the Lord.  In this text, he calls the listener to do the same and, even more, to savor the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord and to place one’s fear of the Lord over the inevitable competing fears […]

The Lord of Bounty

The Lord of Bounty

Genesis 1:20-25:  As we continue through the account of God’s preparation of the earth for humankind, we come to the fifth day when He blesses the earth with living things in air, sea, and land.  The world bursts forth with the evidence of His provision, drawn from His wealth of intrinsic authority, beauty, and power. […]