
These files are made available to the congregation for the life and ministry of the Church.

Looking for Sunday school or Bible study notes? See this page.

If you need a handy sheet to help guide your prayer times, consider using the following PDF. It contains a definition of prayer from the Westminster Larger Catechism, five models for prayer, as well as various other notes and quotes.

Prayer Forms, by Pastor Taylor

The following forms are helpful for various purposes.

For a simplified budget with recommended percentages, see:

The following form will be used by Stonebridge as an aid to planning a funeral.

Funeral Form

The following document is Stonebridge Church’s Child and Youth Protection Policy.



The following files are made available to members of the congregation. They require a username and password to access. To get the username and password, please contact Pastor Taylor.

You can find the Prayer List at the following link:

Prayer Meeting List


If you desire to become a member of Stonebridge Church, you may inform the pastor or one of the elders of your desire to join. We will arrange for an Inquirers Class. The class will meet with the pastor and he will teach you five things: what it means to be Presbyterian; a survey of church history; what the Church is; what it means to be Evangelical; and what it means to be Reformed.

After the class the elders will interview those interested in joining. At that meeting, you will be asked to share:

  • how you came to faith in Jesus,
  • how you’ve seen God at work in your life since coming to know Him,
  • how you would like to serve the Lord alongside of the rest of the congregation,
  • and how the officers and members can serve and encourage you.

After meeting with the elders, a day will be scheduled for you to take public membership vows during the worship service. At that time, you will be formally received into the congregation.