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David’s Anger Restrained

David’s Anger Restrained

King David is a “type” of Christ in many respects. He typifies what the final King would be like. And yet David, the man, was beset by some of the maladies with which humans are beset. Specifically, David has an inclination to anger. In today’s sermon based in 1 Samuel 25, Martin Rossol show us […]

Acting Like the King

Acting Like the King

The first Sunday of Advent draws our attention to the coming Savior. Our own elder, Martin Rossol, continued his series about King David from 1 Samuel, and even here, in this historical setting, we see David- in his experiences and struggles -as a “type” of Jesus.

God’s Commands; Samuel’s Anger

God’s Commands; Samuel’s Anger

This talk is perhaps a 2-in-1. What about God’s commands? Are we still obligated to obey if we have trusted in Jesus? And what about Samuel’s anger? Why no sanctions against that “anger”? Well, Martin Rossol covers these issues quite well in his talk. Give a listen.

The Biblical Office of King

The Biblical Office of King

Our own Martin Rossol covered a lot of ground, or maybe provided a 30,000 foot view of “Kingship” in the Bible, mostly focused in the Old Testament, but also the fulfillment of this “office” by Jesus- as prophesied. How and when did the office of “King” originate and how might we think about it today. […]

True Repentance

True Repentance

Scripture talks of “repentance” quite frequently. But exactly, what does it mean to really “repent”? Jim Scullion takes a look at this question from the story in 1 Samuel 3. It is instructive. Listen…

A King Who Saves – 1 Samuel 11:1-15 (Con

A King Who Saves – 1 Samuel 11:1-15 (Conrow)

Who is able to save us? The Hebrews of Jabesh-gilead, under seige,  feared they would have no rescuer, just as people throughout the ages, beseiged by sin, have also longed for a savior.  For them, King Saul was their answer.  Who is it for us?  Listen as visiting pastor Alan Conrow explains with the text from […]