For “Father’s Day” pastor Mike takes us in a direction perhaps you may not have expected. Our Heavenly Father is everywhere so we actually cannot escape his “space”. That being so, we can lose the benefit of this fact if we don’t consciously “live there”.
Finally . . . Pray and Obey
When St Paul uses the word ‘finally’ in 2 Thessalonians 3 he actually means it! This is not always the case with St Paul. And so how does he summarize his letter to the Thessalonian believers? Pray and Obey. List as Jim Scullion walks us through the end of his series on the two letters […]
What If We Did All This?
We are coming to the end of Jim Scullion’s series on 1 Thessalonians. And as you might imagine, St Paul ends with a flurry of exhortations. Some restate what he has said earlier; others seem to be additional things that he feels necessary to also let the church in Thessalonica hear.
The Day of the Lord
Humans have always been very curious about “the future”. When will X happen? What is going to happen to Y? It seems apparent that the believers in Thessalonica were similarly curious. As much as St Paul cared for this congregation, he rather firmly suggests that they might be asking the wrong question(s) and that there […]
Always With the Lord
Hmm. Interesting how what we might have experienced in the late 1970s in the US could possibly have been the experience of Christians in Thessalonica in the 1st Century. Uncertainty of what to do in light of the eminent return of Jesus and the death of believers who died before Jesus returned. Hmmm. What to […]
Pleasing God
It is very common in St Paul’s letters [in the New Testament] to begin with theology and then double back with practical application of the theological truths he has attempted to present, to teach, to reinforce. Such is the case in his first letter to the Thessalonians. Listen as Jim Scullion preaches from 1 Thess […]
Prayer Against Complacency
Direct. Make. Establish. These three words form the backbone of St Paul’s prayer for his dear church in Thessalonica. They are actions that St Paul prays God will take on behalf of the believers there. Jim Scullion ends by asking if we pray like this for our church.
Four Basic Things
What “Four Basic Things” might St Paul be trying to get across to his readers in Thessalonica? You’ll have to listen to Jim Scullion’s analysis in today’s sermon.