Just who is the “son of David” anyway? In our text this Second Sunday of Advent, King David desires to build a “house” for God, a permanent tabernacle in Jerusalem. But God denies him permission and insists instead on being the builder Himself. In the covenant with David that follows, God promises an answer to David’s desire that […]
Rejoicing in the Kingdom – 2 Sam 7:1-16
King David wanted to build a ‘house’ for God. God’s response: “I’ve ‘lived’ in a tent since bringing my people out of Egypt and have never asked anyone to build me a ‘house’. Furthermore, I will build you a ‘house’ that will last forever.” This ‘house’ was really a dynasty and Pastor Alan’s aim is […]
The Davidic Covenant – Shaw
2 Samuel 7:4-17 RE Scott Shaw continues his series on Biblical Covenants. [podcast]http://www.stonebridgepres.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/SB_101212_Shaw.mp3[/podcast]