One faith? Didn’t people in the Old Testament live under different ‘rules’ than we do now? Pastor Taylor continues his series in St Paul’s epistle to the Galatians chapter 3.
What is Faith?
Pastor Taylor continues his Galatians series in Chapter 3. St Paul again questions how it is possible- are they possessed? -that the Galatian ‘Christians’ are seeking to grow in their faith by following rules and pleasing God by how they live. Do they really understand what FAITH is?
Justification: The Source And The Ground1
The bulk of St Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians is concerned with “justification”: How sinful humans can be absolved or forgiven of their crime [or sin] against God and how there can be peace between what are/were enemies. Pastor Taylor continues his series in today’s sermon taken from Galatians 2:17-21.
Justification: The Instrument And The Pr1
In Galatians chapter 2, St Paul relates a rather public conflict between he and the apostle Peter. St Paul accuses Peter of hypocrisy: teaching that gentiles were reconciled to God based on faith, but then behaving as if specific efforts or behaviors also mattered. St Paul argues that you can’t have it both ways. Pastor […]
Priority Of The Gospel
Pastor Taylor’s text was Galatians 2:1-10. The key take-away: If we want the church to succeed we need to guard the true gospel. This involves putting priority on the gospel message, standing and defending against attacks which attempt to add to, take away, or change the gospel, and in all this demonstrate love as we […]
The Gospel Is Revealed
“The gospel message is about a new creation.” This was the first assertion Pastor Taylor made today in his sermon. Continuing his series in the Epistle to the Galatians, Pastor Taylor made three points: 1) the gospel is revealed through grace; 2) that God reveals Jesus by grace and from grace, and 3) the character […]
Bear One Another’s Burdens
Before we can know how to “bear another’s burden” you probably first need to know what St Paul means by ‘burden’. Dom Marko help the congregation understand just that in this sermon. He also went on to explain that there is correct way and an incorrect way to do this ‘bearing’.
Live as Children of the Free Woman
Its almost February, but Eric Keel used an illustration of a well-known Christmas story to help illustrate truths from St Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. Sarah and Hagar, from Genesis ‘fame’ represent two covenants, and St Paul is arguing that if we are ‘children of the free woman’ we should behave accordingly.