Adam and Eve’s sin was to place themselves in place of God by ignoring His commands. But God cannot comingle with sin. As sinful beings they could not be in the presence of God, in Eden where He resided, to have fellowship with them, where they could fulfill their calling for worship and work in His […]
Genesis 3:20-21
Adam’s sin brought shame upon himself and his wife. It also brought God’s judgment. Our text today describes two responses that serve to close out this chapter in human history. Adam, now living under the curse of misery in his life, also believes in God’s promise of a redeemer, and names his wife Eve accordingly. By her childbearing, future […]
Genesis 3:17-19
In this text we hear the tragic words of God’s judgment on Adam for his sin. Adam will live under sentence of death. The life that remains to him will be stricken with misery as he strives to till the soil for food. He will struggle in all the endeavors of his life without a sense of […]
Genesis 3:16
Sin produces pain. It destroys joy. It grabs our attention from its proper focus on our Creator. When Adam and Eve sinned, God punished them, announcing the suffering that would follow. In this text, Eve learns that her role as helper to her husband and as child bearer will be afflicted with pain. Eve’s pain would not just be physical […]
Genesis 3:15
When Adam and Eve committed the first sin known to the human race, the outlook for them or any descendants was hopeless. They had chosen to believe Satan ‘s lie that they would not die if they sinned. When God confronted them, they already bore the guilt and shame and fear that sin brings. Was there a future […]
Genesis 3:14
Satan, the serpent in the garden, established himself as the archenemy of God and man when he tempted our first parents to believe him instead of their Creator. This set into motion their destruction and that of all God’s creation. But God intervened. His first act of rescue was by the power of His word. He cursed the serpent, […]
Genesis 3:8-13
In this text we continue to gain insight into the effects of sin. Guilt and the alienation that follows are the fruits of sin. Both are revealed by Adam and Eve as they try to hide from God or cover their nakedness or shift the blame, just as all mankind will do after them. But God does not […]
Genesis 3:8
First shame, then fear. These effects of sin were known first in the human race by Adam and Eve when they chose their own desire over the wisdom of their creator. Their fear drove them away from God, but God continued to pursue them, as He had done all along. This God can pursue us as well in […]