Marriage is defined by God. When He formed Eve and presented her to Adam, He established man and woman in a lifelong covenant relationship. This second in a series of sermons explains that two things characterize a good marriage, faithfulness and love.
Purposes of Marriage, Part 1: Genesis 2:1
The origin of marriage is found in the text for this first in a series of sermons on marriage. When God created Adam, He gave him work to do and worship to enjoy in the garden He had created. But Adam was incomplete and needed a helper. He needed another like himself with whom he could fulfill God’s […]
Genesis 2:16-17, Part 2
God’s covenant with Adam in the garden was conditional. To the obedient man the tree of life and all its blessings were his and his descendants. By this, Adam became the representative, the federal head, of humanity. Therefore, when Adam sinned, the effect was disastrous, a sin nature inherited by all his descendants and evident […]
Genesis 2:16-17, Part 1
When God placed the first man in the garden, He created a unilateral agreement with him which granted much freedom and one restriction. God’s duty was to continue to supply an abundance of food. The man’s duty was to enjoy those foods with an abundant life as a consequence, and to avoid the restricted one on penalty […]
Genesis 2:15
When God placed Adam in the garden, He gave him dominion over it to manage and cultivate. But in this text, God goes on to issue a higher calling to guard it as a place of worship. By this, Adam assumes the role of priest over the garden. But this first priest would not be the last in […]
Genesis 2:4-14
The beautiful garden in Eden which God created for our first parents was complete, perfect. In it and through it He gave them everything they needed including a vocation, that noble work to tend it. When they thought they knew better than God what they needed, they lost it all, including the beauty and fulfillment of their […]
Genesis 2:4–7
To know what we were made for, we must know where and what we came from. Our text describes God’s creation of man as living being, both body and spirit. In our sin, we neglect one or the other or both, and die. Only Christ whose body and spirit were uncorrupted by sin can be […]
Genesis 2:1-3
After creation of the Earth and its inhabitants in six days, God rested on the seventh. In so doing, He a set a precedent for the life pattern of humankind. We often say we don’t have time to be still, meditate on scripture, pray, or visit the lonely and sick. But God has given us one seventh of […]