If we are to rest in God, we must rest in Him through His word. By His word God created light and gives us knowledge of Himself. Of even greater wonder, God reveals Himself to us by His Word, the True Light, Who is the Son. Through Jesus we come to know the Father and […]
The Trinity in Creation: God The Spirit
Last week Pastor Taylor’s sermon helped us see the role of God the Father in Creation. Taylor reminded the congregation that Genesis does not explain “everything” about creation. There are some questions we have for which God chose not to provide detailed answers. Some of those questions we need faith to accept. Today we learned […]
The Trinity in Creation: God the Father
In Genesis 1:1, Pastor Taylor considers the question, How big is your God? Because God is big, we should give Him our hearts, but there is a more mysterious and wonderful reason to give Him our hearts: the Father has created us for Himself.
Be a Blessing?
Randy Meyers challenged the congregation with a reading of Genesis 12 that most had not heard. Yes, God promised to bless Abram, but Randy argues that an equally valid reading is that Abram should be a blessing to others. There is support for this in other Scripture passages, including in 1 Peter 3.
Covenant vs Contract?
What is the difference between Covenant Theology and Reformed Theology? Well, that is a good and fair question. Pastor Galardi takes up this question and a few more in Sunday’s sermon. He draws primarily from Genesis 12, 15 and 17 but slips in a few more references for good measure.
The Ultimate Statistic
What statistic does no one what to be part of, but we all will be? Death. God doesn’t shy from the brutal truth: as a consequence of sin, everyone is condemned to die. As early as Genesis chapter 5 God forcefully confirms this fact to anyone who is paying attention. Yet even in this dismal […]
Where is the Lamb?
Randy Meyers draws the attention of the congregation to what may not be the most well-known event of Genesis, but arguably one which most explicitly foreshadows the work of Jesus on the Cross. Randy’s hope is that it will lead us to desire to respond to the testing of our faith in a way that […]
A Woman of Faith- Gen 24:50-66
Martin Rossol has two daughters. He is also leading a class on The Big Picture in which the book of Genesis has been on the agenda. As Martin put it: “…you have to be extremely focused or biased to not see the women in the stories…” And with his recent interaction with his daughters his […]