Pastor Jeff begins this sermon with the question: What is your greatest fear? Public speaking?! Losing your job? Losing your love? This sermon is a continuation of Pastor Jeff’s series from the Epistle (letter) to the Hebrews, in the New Testament. The recipients of this letter had started to let fears of various kinds distract […]
Jesus is Still Better- Heb 1-2:1 (Lavale1
In the letter to the Hebrews, the writer, as does Pastor Jeff, reminds listeners that Jesus is much better than Angels- and much else. Why are we willing to be satisfied with less? Jesus is Still Better
The Foundations of our Faith- Heb 6:1-3 1
Sure. We all want to move beyond “basics”, but without question the basic “blocking and tackling” of the Christian faith should never be far from our consciousness. Pastor Bob Hoey presented a wonderful review of these basics as found in the Letter to the Hebrews. The Foundation of our Faith
The Offices of Jesus- Hebrews, various (1
Jesus holds many different offices, or roles. Pastor Bob Hoey today focuses on those which the writer of Hebrews high-lights. Prophet, Priest, Lawyer, etc. You may be surprised just how practical these offices are for us in 2016. Jesus Christ/Prophet,Priest,Lawyer, Pastor, King
The Unshakable Kingdom – Heb 12:25-29 (S
Why should anyone believe? Why should the Bible’s claims get our attention and action? Pastor Dan addresses these questions in the last in his series on The Kingdom of God.
A Growing Faith- Heb 11:1-13 (Meyers)
Jesus talked about having the faith of a mustard seed… small faith we might call it. Very well. But Randy Meyers reminded us today that God also calls us to “large faith”. Growing faith. A faith that moves men and women to believe and do great things for God. Randy shares four stories that illustrate […]
Jesus, a Better Ministry, a Better Coven1
We celebrated the Lord’s table and prepare for Holy Week, and Pastor Dan helps us see the connection between the Old Testament priests and their work with that of Jesus. To listen to the Podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Introduction: Today is Palm Sunday. On this day in history, Jesus, by his […]
Our Sympathetic High Priest (Heb. 4:14-11
Pastor Dan helped us see just how great a High Priest we have in Jesus Christ. He was fully human, and as such, he experienced all the same kinds of struggles, temptations, frustrations and disappointments that we face today. Yet he did not sin- or “miss the mark” of God’s expectations in his behaviors, reactions, […]