OK, so we’ve seen in the series that the people in Genesis were not all that “wonderful”. But in today’s sermon, Pastor Dan, well, its sort of a shocker. I mean, how dysfunctional can a family get?! Well, it can get pretty ugly. But the amazing thing is that God’s plan includes some members of […]
The LORD Will Provide – Gen 22 (Sonnenbe
Genesis 22 is such a moving story. But it is equally a view of God’s testing and God’s provision. In this, the last interaction between God and Abraham recorded for us, God asks Abraham to demonstrate his faith in God by sacrificing his son, Isaac. The son in whom God said he would fulfill his […]
Abraham’s Faith: Looking for Christ- Gen
The story recorded for us in Genesis 15 is a remarkable account of Abraham’s faith- and doubts -but ultimately how it was God’s covenant that insured all of God’s promises to Abraham and all humans who have faith as Abraham did. Pastor Dan walks us through the verses of Chapter 15.
Security and Significance in Christ – Ge
The tower of Babel. What does that have to do with the challenge to live by faith for Christians in 2012? Sure, Babel means “confusion” and that was the time and place when languages were created and “worked their magic” on the human race. But why? Listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon to gain a better […]
Christ, The Ark of God’s Grace – Gen 5-9
The story of Noah is familiar to many of us, yet how many times do we see the significances that Noah might have for us today? Pastor Dan shows us that Noah’s faith was evident in his obedience to God; after being saved in the ark Noah worshiped; and finally in spite of his failings, […]
The Gospel in Adam’s Fall – Gen 3:1-27 (
The first few chapters in the Bible sure ‘pack a punch’. Today’s sermon, on the Fall of Man is certainly no exception. The amazing thing? That even in the greatest fall of all, there was forgiveness and redemption! How amazing can that be?! Pastor Dan’s sermon clearly walks us through the causes and effects of […]
Christ’s Purpose in Creation – Gen. 1:1-
Not surprising, Pastor Dan’s series on “Seeing Christ in Genesis” starts by setting a foundation in creation. The first few chapters of Genesis are crucial to our understanding of the rest of the Bible. How as Christ involved in creation? Why was he involved? For what purpose did he create humans? These are some of […]