One of the last ‘lessons’ Jesus taught his disciples was an ‘object lesson’. He washed their feet. This was a task for a slave or servant – not the Master. Yet in that washing Jesus demonstrated, he illustrated in a very concrete way was he was soon to accomplish on the cross. In his trial […]
Death Results in Life- John 12:20-26ff (1
“Unless a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies, it abides alone…” This is the paradox that Pastor Dan had as his focus today. Just as the kernel of wheat: if it wants to retain its identy, its essence, it remains simply a seed. But if it ‘dies’ in the soil, it becomes […]
Raised from Death to Life- John 11:17-271
The fifth Sunday in Lent. This week Jesus is revealed, or perhaps better, God’s glory is revealed through Jesus. A dear friend dies supposedly because Jesus doesn’t arrive in time. But wait… “Your brother will rise again!” … What an amazing event. Those who believed saw the glory of God. Those who would not believe […]
Light in the Darkness- John 9 (Sonnenber1
Lent. Jesus is being revealed. This week Pastor Dan’s sermon on the “man blind from birth” shows how Jesus is revealed to those who are blind, and hidden from those with ‘sight’.
Living Water – John 4:5-26 (Sonnenberg)
Jesus is revealed in a way many of his day would never have anticipated. He engaged a non-Jewish person, and a woman at that! Unheard of! Yet he does so with grace and compassion – treating her as he has those who have come before in John’s gospel.
Appreciating Jesus’ Sinlessness- Matt 4:
We begin our Lenten season by taking time to reflect on Jesus’ sinlessness. Much as the Old Testament Israelites, we grumble, ‘test’ God and compromise our behavior for this or the other reason. As we consider Jesus life and atoning sacrifice, we should be more conscience to obey his word, respect his authority and serve […]
The Transfiguration of Jesus- Matt 17:1-1
This last Sunday before Lent, we see Jesus revealed in a more glorious or glorified way. What a sight it must have been for the three disciples with Jesus. God had planned for there to be witnesses of Jesus “divinity” in this way, but pastor Dan also helped us see that when we are alone, […]
Sons of Your Father in Heaven- Matt 5:381
The seventh Sunday after Epiphany. This week the sermon helps us see how Jesus is revealed at the perfect human: completely meeting each and every requirement of God’s Holy law. In his teaching, Jesus does not endorse the Old Testament, but rather “ups the ante”, so to speak. Jesus meets all the requirements of the […]