If you have ever wondered about the main or over arching message of the Bible, and maybe more specifically the Old Testament, today’s sermon might be just what you need as a help. Pastor Dan is embarking on series parallel with the several Book Studies/Discussions that have kicked off in the past few weeks. The […]
Our Purpose in God’s Purpose (Luke 2:21-
The birth of Christ and some of the associated “story” illustrates how we can find and fulfill our purpose in life. Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna each demonstrate this in special ways.
The Message of Christmas
Shepherds, an unlikely target of the first Christmas message. Common folk, like many [or most?] of us. St. Luke, in chapter 2 of his Gospel relates the story of the messengers and their message; as well as the recipients and their response to this message.
The Virgin Conception of Jesus – Luke 1:
What a wonderful event: Gabriel the Angel announcing to Mary that she is “favored by the Lord” and will bring the Savior of humanity into the world! Listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon if you were not able to hear it on Sunday.
Expressing Appropriate Gratitude (Luke 11
Then Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” This story in Luke’s Gospel illustrates both positive and negative responses to the good things that we have from God’s hand.
Ruler of Nature – Meyers
Luke 6: 1 – 12 [podcast]http://www.stonebridgepres.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/SB_100711_Meyers.mp3[/podcast]
The Times are Changin’ – Meyers
Luke 22:35-38. Not particularly long, but RE Randy Meyers shows us how this passage points to a critical stage in the earthly ministry of Jesus. [podcast]http://www.stonebridgepres.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/SB_100912_Meyers2.mp3[/podcast]
Faith and Perseverance – Meyers
Luke 18:1-8 Randy’s series in Luke continue to be very helpful.[podcast]http://www.stonebridgepres.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/SB_100829_Meyers.mp3[/podcast]