Mark continues his authentication of Jesus’ deity by appealing once again to Old Testament prophecies and events, especially Isaiah. Just as the Holy Spirit led the people of the Exodus through the waters of the Red Sea to freedom, so Jesus leads His followers through His baptism into the New Exodus. Mark identifies Jesus as the […]
Mark 1:4-8
John the Baptist was a prophet after the pattern and stature of Elijah. His baptism went beyond ritual self-cleansing to a baptism that marked repentance in search of forgiveness from God. In all this he was an effective herald of the ministry of Jesus, a prophet far greater than John or any who had preceded him. Jesus, […]
Mark 1:2-3
We cannot fully understand the New Testament without a proper knowledge of the Old Testament. In his gospel account Mark rests his claim that Jesus is God by equating Yahweh the Deliverer in the Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah, Exodus, and Malachi with Jesus. But Jesus’ rescue of captives would be greater. His deliverance would complete the Old […]
Mark 1:1
The gospel of Mark opens with several truth claims: Jesus is identified as Israel’s promised One, the Messiah. The man Jesus is not just a man but the Son of God, who, as sons do, carries on the work of the Father. The very name Jesus carries the gospel message “Yahweh saves”, and Mark’s gospel account will go […]
Mark 15:25-32
In his account of the crucifixion, gospel writer Mark emphasizes the shame heaped on Jesus. This derision and accusation leveled against the righteous by the unrighteous, is more blasphemy than mere mocking or ridicule. But those who scoffed in that day are not alone. We join with them by our disbelief or our neglect of the Son […]
Meditation on Jesus’ Death and Resurrect
St Mark, when writing about Jesus arrest, trial and crucifiction, is rather out of character. Mark’ usual writing style is to be short on details moving more quickly to the overview of the events he shares. Yet when he comes to this part of his gospel he goes, not only into detail, but rather graphic […]
The Gospel is . . .
Today’s sermon text is the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume that cost about one year’s wages. Imaging a bottle of perfume that costs $65,000 – and using it all on one person on one occasion?!! Shocking as that is, and as interesting as Jesus response is to the invariable critics; Jim […]
Wasting the Advantage
Think of any situation: if you have “an advantage” it usually is the smart thing to capitalize on that advantage. Be it a team, a business, or a financial transaction. As it relates to faith in Jesus, the comment has often been made “Wouldn’t it have been so great to have lived in Judea when […]