John’s disciples and the Pharisees were challenging the fact that Jesus’ disciples did not really “fit in” with the existing religious norms and paradigms. “Why don’t your disciples fast?” Well, Jesus was more than happy to address their question, as our elder Martin Rossol explained in today’s talk.
Jesus: The Sin Doctor
The Pharisees tried to “stay separate” from all that might ‘contaminate’ them. It was their religious activity that they felt would solve their sin problem. Jesus challenged that diagnosis and made it clear that outward religious activity is not what is pleasing to God. We please God when we have the right attitudes in our […]
What is So Merry About Christmas 2020?
As we come to the end of a most unusual year, Pastor Mike reminds us why Christmas, even Christmas this year, should give us pause to be merry.
Authority to Forgive Sins
St Matthew has been bring his story, his argument about Jesus as God’s appointed King ever more detailed in terms of Jesus power and authority. After demonstrating Jesus authority over sickness, disease, nature and demons, St Matthew now turn to address or expose the root cause of all these symptoms, and to show that King […]
Jesus Casts Out Demons
St Matthew shares events where Jesus demonstrates his power over sickness, physical ailments, and even the environment; all to demonstrate (prove?) that He has the authority of the King of God’s Kingdom. In today’s talk, Martin Rossol continues in the series talking about the event (Matthew 8:28-34) where Jesus demonstrated his power over demons. This […]
Authority Over The Environment
In Sunday’ sermon St Matthew wants his readers to grasp that Jesus is the promised King; the king who would rule over God’s promised kingdom; and that as such he has authority over all of creation, including the environment. When mankind rebelled against God, not only was mankind affected by the consequences of that rebellion […]
The King With Authority
We come to the second event which St Matthew records with the purpose of showing his readers that Jesus is indeed the King of the Kingdom of God, and that he has the authority to dispense his mercy, his power, his pleasure on whomever he wishes, and how he wishes. This would have been shocking […]
The King of the Kingdom
St Matthew’s gospel tells the story of Jesus from the perspective of God’s Kingdom. Matthew wants his readers to see Jesus as the promised king, who would establish and rule of the Kingdom of God. In chapters 8-11 St Matthew demonstrates how the promised king will actually solve or correct all that is wrong with […]