We begin our Lenten season by taking time to reflect on Jesus’ sinlessness. Much as the Old Testament Israelites, we grumble, ‘test’ God and compromise our behavior for this or the other reason. As we consider Jesus life and atoning sacrifice, we should be more conscience to obey his word, respect his authority and serve […]
The Transfiguration of Jesus- Matt 17:1-1
This last Sunday before Lent, we see Jesus revealed in a more glorious or glorified way. What a sight it must have been for the three disciples with Jesus. God had planned for there to be witnesses of Jesus “divinity” in this way, but pastor Dan also helped us see that when we are alone, […]
Sons of Your Father in Heaven- Matt 5:381
The seventh Sunday after Epiphany. This week the sermon helps us see how Jesus is revealed at the perfect human: completely meeting each and every requirement of God’s Holy law. In his teaching, Jesus does not endorse the Old Testament, but rather “ups the ante”, so to speak. Jesus meets all the requirements of the […]
A Better Way- Matt 5:21-32 (Sonnenberg)
Today is the sixth Sunday after Epiphany and in the sermon we saw Jesus revealing himself as the God of the OT when he says: “You have heard is said, … But I say to you: …” Jesus is equating his words with those of the God of the Old Testament. His words are not […]
Disciples in Jesus’ Kingdom- Matt 5:13-2
Today’s sermon was sort of a follow-up on last week’s: the Beatitudes, which highlight character qualities of “Kingdom citizens”. Now Jesus proposes some analogies which his hearers would readily understand: salt and light. Pastor Dan shared how we can and should be “salt” and “light” in our world. In our communities and neighborhoods. The goal […]
Jesus in the Beatitudes- Matt 5:1-12 (So1
Jesus has been preaching “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” But did the Jews really understand that that meant? Many had their own ideas, but Jesus takes- or makes -the opportunity to help “those with ears to hear” to understand what it meant to be a member of that Kingdom. Collectively, the “Beatitudes” characterize […]
The Dawning of Jesus’ Ministry- Matt 4:1
John gets arrested and Jesus hightails it to Galilee. Well, it could seem that way. But Pastor Dan explained that Jesus had a very deliberate strategy for moving is “base of operations”. And not only that, but the move coincided with Jesus publicly proclaiming his message. He also utilized a ‘method’ during this phase of […]
The Baptism of Jesus- Matt 3:13-17 (Sonn1
This Sunday Pastor Dan turned our thoughts to Epiphany – the revelation of the divine Jesus to the gentiles. His focus was on the baptism of Jesus and how this revealed Jesus as God’s beloved son. It was also the commencement of Jesus’ earthly ministry. And yet, Jesus baptism also affords us valuable benefits, which […]