As we think about our mission in life; our mission as a church; Pastor Dan suggests we pay attention to Jesus charge which he gave his disciples. It it just possible that Jesus instructions then are equally valid for us today. Start local; start in familiar places. Preach the Gospel and express Jesus love in […]
Preparing for the Mission, Part 3: Praye1
God has invited us to a wonderful mission. Are we ready? Are you ready? A missional church defines itself in terms of its worship and its mission – a worshiping people who are also “sent ones” who take the gospel to and incarnate the gospel within a specific cultural context. – The church has a […]
Preparing for the Mission, Part 2: Compa1
Last week Pastor Dan challenged us to consider if we are apathetic, ignorant or afraid when it comes to our response toward those outside the church. This week the challenge is similar, but the perspective is “compassion”. Jesus went out of his way to demonstrate ‘how’ to have compassion. Are we paying attention or just […]
Preparing for the Mission, Part 1: Equip1
The Church universal generally, and Stonebridge Church specifically, has a mission. God wants to reach the world with the good news: How to be in a right relationship with God. Failure to achieve this mission might be due to ignorance, apathy or fear. But God does provide, he does equip his people to accomplish what […]
Making Sense of Newtown – Matt 2:16-18 (
We grieve with families in Newtown, Ct. We implore God because we do not understand. Where was God Friday morning? No, he did not turn his back. He not only understands the evil things that happen- a result of the total depravity of man -but he also feels the pain. He is more pained the […]
The Coming of the Son of Man- Matt 21:251
Advent is the time we await the coming savior! What a great time it is. But Pastor Dan reminded us today that we should also not forget to wait, and be ready, for the savior’s second coming. As God’s people waited for their Messiah, so we too should be anxiously waiting and preparing for Jesus […]
Your Heavenly Father Knows- Matt 26:25-31
So you don’t feel thankful all the time? Well, most people don’t. But that doesn’t mean we cannot be thankful. In today’s sermon, Pastor Dan shares some thoughts about what Thanksgiving can or should really be all about. He shares some reasons why we should give thanks to God no matter our circumstances or feelings.
If Your Brother Offends You – Matt 18:15
Completing a second in the series, Pastor Dan outlined ways how Matthew 18 might be put to practical use in our lives as we are offended by others, or as we might be the source of offending someone else. Its worth your listening online! Matthew 18:15-17 (ESV) “If your brother sins against you, go and […]