In this series, we have heard from various sources in both Old Testament and New, identifying Jesus as the Son of David. Now in his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul weighs in on the theme to show that Jesus, the Son of David is the Messiah, the Son of God, born with a high purpose […]
The Christian’s Struggle
The 7th chapter of St Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most controversial chapters Christians have wrestled with over the centuries. How is it that St Paul, REALLY???, struggling with sin? Struggling against sinful inclinations? Well, Randy Meyers shared his thinking on this chapter in this sermon.
Living With Christ
If Christians have “died with Christ” and are supposed to have “a new life in Christ”, why do Christians (maybe not you) struggle with sin, or plainly “just sin” more than they wish they would? Randy Meyers’ sermon addresses this vary question.
Adam’s Christmas Gift
Rather strange that Adam might have left us a “Christmas Gift”? Dr. Smith sheds some light on what might be a more important gift than we have given it consideration in the past. It provided a fitting conclusion to our Christmas Eve worship in Lessons and Carols.
Giving Thanks Even When There’s a Battle
Pastor Mike Frison share some encouragement for being thankful this Thanksgiving Day week, in spite of what may be difficult situations and challenging relationships.
All Things for Good
Why does St Paul have some confidence about “God working all things for good…” in Romans 8:28? James Stafford gives us some reasons in today’s sermon.
Walking According to the Spirit
St Paul’s letter to the Romans is likely his “systematic theology”. It is loaded with truth, but is also a guide for daily practical living.
Is It Fair? – Part 2 Romans 3:21-26
Building on his previous sermon two weeks before, Jim Scullion draws on Paul’s letter to the Romans to describe our justification by God through Jesus Christ.