The first few chapters in the Bible sure ‘pack a punch’. Today’s sermon, on the Fall of Man is certainly no exception. The amazing thing? That even in the greatest fall of all, there was forgiveness and redemption! How amazing can that be?! Pastor Dan’s sermon clearly walks us through the causes and effects of […]
Christ’s Purpose in Creation – Gen. 1:1-
Not surprising, Pastor Dan’s series on “Seeing Christ in Genesis” starts by setting a foundation in creation. The first few chapters of Genesis are crucial to our understanding of the rest of the Bible. How as Christ involved in creation? Why was he involved? For what purpose did he create humans? These are some of […]
Jesus, a Better Ministry, a Better Coven1
We celebrated the Lord’s table and prepare for Holy Week, and Pastor Dan helps us see the connection between the Old Testament priests and their work with that of Jesus. To listen to the Podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Introduction: Today is Palm Sunday. On this day in history, Jesus, by his […]
Our Sympathetic High Priest (Heb. 4:14-11
Pastor Dan helped us see just how great a High Priest we have in Jesus Christ. He was fully human, and as such, he experienced all the same kinds of struggles, temptations, frustrations and disappointments that we face today. Yet he did not sin- or “miss the mark” of God’s expectations in his behaviors, reactions, […]
Jesus Superior to Moses (Heb 3:1-6) – So
Jesus’ superiority to Moses gives Christians a basis on which to live confidently in a world where we are challenged, sometimes persecuted, and tempted to turn away. Listen to Pastor Dan as he continues his series in Hebrews. To listen to the Podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Hebrews 3:1-6 (ESV) Therefore, holy […]
Jesus Superior to Angels (Hebrews 1:4-141
Pastor Dan continues his Lenten series from the letter to the Hebrews. Jesus Christ is better than the angels. To listen to the podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Introduction: At the end of the passage last week we read in Hebrews 1:3, And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact […]
God’s Final Revelation in His Son (Hebre
We are in a new sermon series during this Lent Season. Pastor Dan is taking us on a short series in the book of Hebrews. A wonderful book which highlights the greatness of Christ – whose suffering we are contemplating during Lent. To listen to the podcast scroll to the bottom of the page. Introduction: […]